I found the following code in php.ini. what does that mean? And “PHP registers” — what is that? ; This directive describes the order in which PHP registers GET, POST, Cookie, ; Environment and Built-in variables (G, P, C, E & S respectively, often ; referred to as EGPCS or GPC). Registration is done from left to right, newer ;
Tag: php
SOAP-ERROR: Encoding: Violation of encoding rules?
Guys, I’m stuck, banging my head off the desk for the past few hours. I am trying to consume a service, and I have 8 other functions that I call that are almost IDENTICAL in nature to this one, but this one, results in a ‘SOAP-ERROR: Encoding: Violation of encoding rules’ error. Heres the function call (wsdl omitted for security):
Good PHP Metric tools [closed]
As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance. Closed 9 years ago.
Connecting to Gmail through IMAP with PHP – SSL context failed
I’m trying to connect to Gmail through IMAP with PHP running in Apache. This is on an Ubuntu 9.04 system. I’ve got some sort of PHP configuration issue that is keeping this from working. First, …
How do I find out the currently running PHP executable?
From inside a PHP program I want to know the location of the binary executing it. Perl has $^X for this purpose. Is there an equivalent in PHP? This is so it can execute a child PHP process using itself (rather than hard code a path or assume “php” is correct). UPDATE I’m using lighttpd + FastCGI, not Apache +
How can I alternate between mysqli_real_escape_string and nl?
I’ve been doing some reading on mysqli_real_escape_string(), and, after getting my content properly escaped, I’m having some trouble getting to display properly when I pull it out again. Here’s the …
C# String.Format() Equivalent in PHP?
I’m building a rather large Lucene.NET search expression. Is there a best practices way to do the string replacement in PHP? It doesn’t have to be this way, but I’m hoping for something similar to the C# String.Format method. Here’s what the logic would look like in C#. Is there a PHP5 equivalent? Answer You could use the sprintf function:
Unable to call the built in mb_internal_encoding method?
I’m trying to install indefero on a CentOS 5.3 VMware ‘box’ and I ran into a problem. Quite early in the installation I get an error that I’ve been able to narrow down to this: I get the same error when calling this script via http through Apache. Now according to the PHP manual the mb_internal_encoding function should be a
How to search Array for multiple values in PHP?
I need to get the keys from values that are duplicates. I tried to use array_search and that worked fine, BUT I only got the first value as a hit. I need to get both keys from the duplicate values, in this case 0 and 2. The search result output as an array would be good. Is there a PHP
Find greatest of three values in PHP
With three numbers, $x, $y, and $z, I use the following code to find the greatest and place it in $c. Is there a more efficient way to do this? Answer Probably the easiest way is $c = max($x, $y, $z). See the documentation on maxDocs for more information, it compares by the integer value of each parameter but will