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Tag: fastcgi

NGINX/FastCGI config issues causing 404s

I’m currently trying to configure a Wordpress Multisite using NGINX. The NGINX config test passes: But I simply get a File Not Found. page when I load the site. From my config: And from my nginx error.log: My docroot is /var/www/html and the logs seem to show requests are being sent to the right place: Not really sure where to

nginx server with dynamic index is not executing php

i tried setting up my php backend and my vue on the same location. Based on the X-Requested-With header the server should decide if the backend would be used or the vue should be delivered. Now the delivery of the vue file is working, but the php is not executed. info: at the position of X-URI the $uri is /index.php,

How to debug “FastCGI sent in stderr: Primary script unknown while reading response header from upstream” and find the actual error message?

SO has many articles mentioning this error code: That probably means that this error message is more or less useless. The message is telling us that the FastCGI handler doesn’t like whatever it was sent for some reason. The problem is that sometimes we have no idea what the reason is. So I’m re-stating the question — How do we

How do I find out the currently running PHP executable?

From inside a PHP program I want to know the location of the binary executing it. Perl has $^X for this purpose. Is there an equivalent in PHP? This is so it can execute a child PHP process using itself (rather than hard code a path or assume “php” is correct). UPDATE I’m using lighttpd + FastCGI, not Apache +
