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Tag: android

why is my recycler view only showing 1 card

the app is used to sign up for events. Now I am unable to display more then one card in the recycler view even though there is data in the only would display only the first row of data. I know this as I have deleted the first row and the app shows the new first row. The php

Fetch data directly from php to flutter

I’m currently working on a Flutter project with php mysql as the backend. Is there anyway that I could possibly fetch data directly from php file? I’m so clueless. For example, how do I fetch $dept from php file below and display it in a widget or store the data in Flutter: Future _saveCheckIn() Thanks in advance. Answer You can

whats is the best/fastest way to upload images from android to mysql?

whats is the best/fastest way to upload images from android to mysql? the problem that im having that uploading images encoded in base46 that it takes almost 10sec and after 3 or 4 uploads using bitmap the app crashes sometimes because bitmap other because of the encoded images on old android phone.. right now im using ION but i guess

Is there any way to get the id of “Android WebView” app?

I use this php code to check if the user open my website from a Webview or from a browser and i want to get the id of “Android App WebView” apk which is on the playstore but i don’t find it and i also want the id of “Google Chrome” apk. Id example: “com.facebook.orca”. Answer note that a package
