I am new to Android dev, I have started using Android Studio with Kotlin few days. I run into an issue today which is : how can my app communicate with my local server (XAMPP : Apache and MYSQL) I am running Windows 10, and using my real physical phone instead of the emulator (API 30) since the emulator works
Tag: kotlin
RecyclerView only shown on minimized [closed]
I use retrofit to get data from PHP(localhost) as JSON and display it with recycler view. My problem is my data never show whenever I go fullscreen(Image 1) and goes normal whenever I minimized the …
Retrofit Post Request Error – java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 1 path $
I am trying to make a Post Request using Retrofit, MVVM, Coroutines and Hilt. After sending the post request I get this error java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at …