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Tag: shopware

Shopware : How to get customFields for products in the Order Object

I am currently trying to get a custom field ’emakers_custom_field_warehouse_name’ in the products when an order is made with the code below. Here’s my search Request : Here’s what I get when I serialize $orderObject->getLineItems->first()->getProduct() : What I already tried and gave me empty result : TBH, I don’t know what to try else. It looks like (if you

Connecting Elasticsearch with Username + password in Shopware 6

I want to connect my Shopware 6.4 installation to an Elasticsearch instance. My Elasticsearch instance is secured by username and password. I can not establish a connection between Shopware 6 and Elasticsearch, because i can not find a way to pass username and password to the configuration. .env When running bin/console es:status i get a 401 status code. Unknown 401

How to overwrite a html-element but keep the rest of a block?

I am extending a twig-template where i want to replace the line with Twig-template I tried to overwrite the layout_main_navigation by copying everything and changing the class of the div. But i am not happy with that solution as i have to copy and overwrite a lot blocks. How can i achieve replacing the class of the div and overwrite

Guzzle fails to authenticate with shopware5

I am trying to port the following working HTTP_Request2 code which query shopware5 API to Guzzle 7 I have tried the following, but it fails with the message “Invalid or missing auth” Answer You need to change your code As Digest has md5, so verify as false does not make it insecure, but I have not found it anywhere written

Shopware : get the document number by its ID

I need to get the documentNumber in the documentRepository by its ID. I am doing a “simple” DAL request to do this but for some reason dumping the output gives empty fields. Here is my subscriber containing the DAL request : Here is my services.xml : I also tried to directly dump the result of the getInvoice() function and this

Shopware 5.6 override class method

I want to override method ajaxAddArticleCartAction in engine/Shopware/Controllers/Frontend/Checkout.php, cuz i want a bit complicated logic on accessories quantity calculation. My question is: Is it possible to override this method in my custom plugin. With other words, if i add product in cart, i want to use my function (in plugin), not the Shopware one. Thanks a lot! Answer Yes that
