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Tag: duplicates

Get occurences of an object in an object array PHP

I have a large array with several objects, where there are several duplicates for them. I got an unique array using array_unique(PHP). Now, I need to know how to get how manny times each object was there in the original array? I have tried array_search, and loops but nothing got the correct results. Some what similar array like here, but

Find first duplicate in an array

Given an array a that contains only numbers in the range from 1 to a.length, find the first duplicate number for which the second occurrence has the minimal index. In other words, if there are more than 1 duplicated numbers, return the number for which the second occurrence has a smaller index than the second occurrence of the other number

Check for duplicate emails before querying

I’ve searched and look at other examples but as i’m new i’m having trouble translating over to my code. What I want to do is have it check the database to see if that email has already been entered. If it has I want it to tell them it has and that there is only one entry per person. Any

Removing successive duplicate occurrences in an array

Is there any way that I can remove the successive duplicates from the array below while only keeping the first one? The array is shown below: What I want is to have an array that contains: Answer You can just do something like: Assuming you’re not manipulating that array in between you can use current() it’s more efficient than counting

Do Not Duplicate VALUE if already exist on MySQL

I’ve been trying to accomplish this, but as other issues I just can’t figured it out. I’ve been reading around for posibles solutions but non of them goes along with my code, or if they do I can’t figure out how or where to use them. I have a DB where a user sends records. The database consist in few

Check and return duplicates array php

I would like to check if my array has any duplicates and return the duplicated values in an array. I want this to be as efficient as possible. Example: Also the initial array is always 5 positions long Answer this will be ~100 times faster than array_diff
