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Tag: linux

Upgrade PHP on AWS Linux

I have an AWS server running a website with NGINX and PHP. I originally installed these using the following: sudo yum install -y nginx php-fpm The version of PHP that is installed is 5.3.29 which but I need at least 5.4 to run a payments plug-in. All the info online indicates a PHP upgrade actually involves a reinstall. So I

Get program name for PID using PHP

I am attempting to do something that is a little risky. Its a private script, but i want to add some security so I don’t accidentally enter an invalid PID. Currently if a script hangs it will lock …

Composer installation requirements

I am trying to install composer to the laravel project. When im doing sudo composer install in projects directory it shows me two errors: I was checking how to install it and I found these commands: composer require simplesoftwareio/simple-qrcode composer require esendex/sdk Anyway, they are giving me the same error. Is there anything I can do about it? Answer Looks

Interpreting mysqldumpslow results

I have modified mysql config to log slow queries And interpreting them with mysqldumpslow. One of the results is as follows Question: what do the numbers in brackets mean? The query does take about 0.21s when run with mysql (or via mysql GUI’s); however when making a request to a page the time span is more like 5 seconds. Extra
