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Tag: imagemagick

imageMagick gif is moving out of frame

I have this simple code to rotate a static image with imageMagick on PHP For some reason, it is being offset with each new image, like this: How can I make it to stop moving out of frame? Answer I am not an expert in PHP Imagick, but your issue is that rotateImage() always seems to rotate about the top

PHP (ImageMagick) – Merge images from source data

I have an array of valid image sources and I want to merge them horizontally using ImageMagick in PHP. Code: The result is black background with white square Expected result: 4 .png images merged into 1 presenting people. Answer My solution: $imagePartsData is an array of image sources sorted from left to right so in for loop it adds images

Changing arc direction in php Imagick

I’m using Imagick in php to process and overlap images using compositeImage and then curve the top and bottom borders of the image. To achieve this I used DISTORTION_ARC: This is making the image arc shaped but I’m looking to reverse the direction of the arc( Update: I found a script in Fred’s ImageMagick Scripts (, this is doing exactly

Spatie/pdf-to-image get number of images always returns 0

I’m using the spatie/pdf-to-image with laravel to create thumbnails of uploaded pdf files. What is weird is that the code was working at one point now it isn’t. $pdf->getNumberOfPages(); always returns 0 no matter how many pages the pdf contains. This is the constructor in the Spatie Pdf class. As you can see it is just using imagick’s getNumberImages(); This

How to recognize khmer unicode in intervention images?

I’m using Intervention images packages in Laravel to create Khmer Unicode watermark on the images but all those characters isn’t recognize with Unicode format Used defualt code I got unrecognize format as the images. Answer I may suggest you to use the font that be able to render in different design tool such as for Photoshop, mostly the font start
