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Tag: jpeg

PHP imagick – Convert eps to jpg but poor quality

I’m trying to convert and resize eps files into jpg. I use php imagick for this. After converting the quality is very bad. my eps you can download here: my jpg-img i use this code: same result with this settings without resize/only convert, but the quality is still bad: i use this version with php 7.2.33: phpinfo What is

File upload PHP JPG issues

I’m getting confused while working with an file upload HTML form and some PHP to handle the input. In the form i have two file selects for images. When uploading an .png file i can get the file size etc using $_FILES. But when i’m trying to upload an .jpg file, i can’t get more then the filename, no size,

Convert PDF to JPEG with PHP and ImageMagick

I’m using a litte script to convert PDF to JPG. That works but the quality is very poor. The script: One more thing, I want to keep the original size of the PDF but the conversion crops the size of the JPG. Answer It can be done using setResolution, but you need to do it before loading an image. Try
