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Tag: html

How to make all PHP echo values go into a HTML Table

How do I fix this issue, you see in the picture below, my code creates a table successfully and echos the first item correctly, but if any other item is added to the cart, it gets displayed below the table, outside the border, not in a row. Desired Result: For ‘Sara Lee Muffin’ and the quantity, and price (example) to

PHP: Encode UTF8-Characters to html entities

I want to encode normal characters to html-entities like but doesn’t work. It outputs the normal charaters (a A b B) in the html source code instead of the html-entities. How can I convert them? Answer You can build a function for this fairly easily using mb_ord or IntlChar::ord, either of which will give you the numeric value for a

Set Max Size to folder for users file manager php mysql

I hope you are well. I am creating a Learning Platform in pure PHP with MySQL and AdminLTE3. I got to the time of creating the file manager for each user and got stuck on the following. I have the following structure in folders: /var/www/html/uploads/users/<% hash (USER ID)%>, and what I’m looking for is that each folder <% hash (USER

Display the Color in a box for input RGB values in html/php

The code given below will give the Hex value after submission , but i also require a square box and a corresponding color filled in the box. want to get the red, green and blue value and want to display the color of that RGB value in a square box . The objective is to get something like this, we

Use PHP foreach loop to display data in many html div tags

I have the following data and would like to display it in different containers in html. The containers are winner_1. As of right now the first winner_1 display the last Name from the above table. How can I get it to say CA.PA in the first winner_1, and AZN.ST in the second winner_1, and AMGN in the last winner_1. The
