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Tag: encoding

Why the encodings from sys.stdout.encoding show those two different results as following?

I have two code files which are “run_python.php” and “”. run_python.pyp When I run run_python.php, the output result on the browser is : When I run the through the cmd(“python”), the output result on the cmd is : Why the encodings from sys.stdout.encoding show those two different results? I’m guessing that they’re running on two different shells

Laravel Blade Component – UTF-8 Encoding issue

I’m currently working on an application with Laravel 8 version. I have build a component named input-group which cause encoding issues that i don’t understand. The code of the component look like this : Here is the data that I inject into the value attributes => Inspecteur de l’Education Nationale And here is the output that i got in my

PHP: Encode UTF8-Characters to html entities

I want to encode normal characters to html-entities like but doesn’t work. It outputs the normal charaters (a A b B) in the html source code instead of the html-entities. How can I convert them? Answer You can build a function for this fairly easily using mb_ord or IntlChar::ord, either of which will give you the numeric value for a

Why is mb_convert_encoding returning false?

Here is my code: If I call the above function with $password = “abc123!”, mb_convert_encoding returns false. Answer According to PHP Manual “auto” is expanded to “ASCII,JIS,UTF-8,EUC-JP,SJIS” But in my case it did not work correctly. If I try the following code instead of ‘auto’ I get the expected result:

PHP encoding Umlauts in .csv for Excel

I’m working on a PHP script that creates a .csv file from some data. Unfortunately, in Excel Umlauts are not displayed properly: Löl becomes L√∂l (this is just in Excel, in Apple’s Numbers, Atom and Textedit everything looks fine). I have tried hundreds of functions to try and get the encoding right (see the commented functions below). Could someone please

Apache unicode handling

I’m trying to duplicate existing apache behavior in a new server, but first need to understand how the current (Red Hat 4.4.7-23) one is working. The following php: Generates this output when run form the command line: Note that the json_encode fails because of the rogue unicode character. When requested via apache I instead get: I have a lot of
