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Tag: html

HTML textbox is not updated after form submitted update database record

I am using CodeIgniter. in application/views/abc.php in application/controller/Cde.php When i click submit button, html form submitted, database record success updated. But why HTML textbox “company_profit” value is not updated? I need to press F5 refresh page then only I can see textbox value is updated. I can see page is refresh when i click “submit” button, which mean html form

Upload compressed image file from client-side using JavaScript

I am trying to compress images on client side using JavaScript on some low bandwidth devices and I’m currently stuck in a limbo using the HTML5 File API. I’m new to this, please bear with me if I’m missing something important. I have some input tags which should ideally open the mobile camera, capture single image, compress and send files

Sending a JSON string to HTML that is too large

I’m using Codeigniter4, and I generate a rather long JSON so that I can make map points with it. However, when I pass along the string with And attempted to unpack the string on the html side with I get a syntax error because the entire json string was not sent. I have tested my setup with a smaller amount

how could I link my HTML project to laravel? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed last year. Improve this question I’m trying to create a webpage using laravel but there’s not a lot of info online on how to actually set up everything together. I already

How to change the me when receiving email on contact us

I’ve created an contact us form using PHP Mailer, however the problem is when I received the email the name before you open it is me and I can’t figured out how to fix it. Also I appreciate it if someone explain to me what is the different between Username and the add Address. Thank you in advance. Here is
