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Xdebug silently catches connections with no reason

The application runs on docker containers: nginx and php-fpm. Xdebug is configured with PhpStorm. The app was working correctly until suddenly Xdebug started to catch all connections even when I didn’t enable debugging. I didn’t even change anything in configuration – it just started to do this (a bit magic but of course there should be something). Why it’s Xdebug:

send post json with php (curl)

i done search tutorial for send post json with curl .. but for this value i cant find in here.. and my question how to convert to array post json in value if like this, and this my value post json i done try to php array like this but still error maybe someone can help me.. and sory for

How can I write this query with Eloquent

Let’s say I have a method like this: My question is, how can I rewrite this query with Eloquent for my Laravel project? Answer From what I understood I think this is what you are looking for, try it and tell me: You can get more information from the laravel Database documentation Query Builder here:

Debian – Apache MySQL PDO issue but all logs are empty

I’m trying to get a project set up and working but I have some issues with my PDO connection. No big deal, however, it doesn’t matter what logs I’m trying to find – they are all empty. within the php file itself, I have ini_set(‘error_log’, ‘/tmp/php_error.php’);. within my sites-enabled config I have the error log defined under ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error-domain.log both files

How to create redirect links with my own url?

I am creating a website with Laravel. I will promote some products via affiliation. I have some affiliates links like I would like to have links like that redirect to affiliate links Affiliates links are in a table in my database. How can I do ? Thanks Answer
