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Tag: email-notifications

Remove product purchase notes in certain WooCommerce email notifications

I try to remove the purchase notes from the order completed mail. Currently the purchase notes are in the order confirmation mail and also in the order completed mail. But we do not want that info in the order completed mail. So for that I found this input here: I also found that snipped here below. But with that

Hide shipping address in WooCommerce new order email notification depending on shipping method id

I want to hide the shipping address if the shipping label is called “Pick up at Rockefeller Store” (but to show for other pickup methods). There are too many ids such as “local_pickup:3” for me to filter through. I enabled the shipping address to be shown in emails/email-addresses.php despite it being a local pickup method. My code attempt: I need

Show order downloads in admin new order email notification in WooCommerce

How can I include this “Downloads” section (attached) in the admin email? By default, WooCommerce only sends it to the customer, not the store owner. I tried looking at articles that showed how to customize WooCommerce emails and I think that woocommerce_email_order_details is the hook that I’m looking for. However, I am stuck with just this piece of information as

Reorder customer details in WooCommerce email notifications

I am trying to change the order of the customer details fields displayed in the Woocommerce mail sent to both customer and admin after purchase (table name: addresses). I checked the file responsible of outputting the billing & shipping fields which is plugins/woocommerce/templates/email-customer-details.php but the customer details are outputted only through a foreach loop and the variable $fields is not
