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Tag: orders

Setting custom order statuses as paid in WooCommerce

I have a custom status that I need to set as ‘paid’, in the same sense that the core statuses Processing and Complete are ‘paid’ statuses. I need to do this because WC is synced to accounting software, and the sync is unable to generate a sales receipt for an unpaid order. It works fine when using Complete or Processing

Show order downloads in admin new order email notification in WooCommerce

How can I include this “Downloads” section (attached) in the admin email? By default, WooCommerce only sends it to the customer, not the store owner. I tried looking at articles that showed how to customize WooCommerce emails and I think that woocommerce_email_order_details is the hook that I’m looking for. However, I am stuck with just this piece of information as

Display product thumbnail in existing product column in WooCommerce quick order preview window

I’m trying to display WooCommerce product thumbnail to WooCommerce Quick order window, I tried using ‘woocommerce_admin_order_preview_end’ and ‘woocommerce_admin_order_preview_get_order_details’ in the below code but nothing changed, Can anyone point me in the right direction? thanks! My Attempted codes Answer Via woocommerce_admin_order_preview_line_item_columns filter hook, we have the option to remove the existing product column and add a new column, for order preview.
