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Tag: sorting

Filter API response with PHP

Not sure what issue was with first pastebin code, here is another attempt. I am connecting to Vimeo Live API, in doing so the response is huge > 500kb in total – I have an example with only one object here -> there are over 20 it returns. I have a better idea of what Im doing in JS than

How to check the key of next index of arrays in PHP?

I have an PHP array : I want to check the keys of each array and if not match need to add it on every array. Expecting output like: If the key is not exist need to add the key with value zero. Is that possible? I tried with array_key_exists() function… But I’m not sure where I want to check,

PHP:: Double sort an array by priority

My goal is to sort an array first by the string length and after that sort it again by character value without changing the priority of the length. Here is my code: I am getting : …almost but not there) Answer You’re missing the logic to account for sorting by character value. You can add that logic into your custom

How can I create new array from this JSON response?

I am really struggling to create a new array from this response, I don’t know where and how to start or to do it: I want to get this new structure/array: How can I make for each fruit to add all sizes as subarray from the sizeAndFruit as the example above? After that each fruit has to be row in

Unable to Rename the latest file in a folder with PHP

I want to rename the latest added file from a folder, but somehow my code isn’t working. Could please help! For example, if the latest file is “file_0202.json” And I want to Change it to “file.json” Here is my Code Answer It’s better if you use glob(). glob() returns the path and filename used. Then you have to sort by

add field and value to array while looping through?

I have the folowing 2 arrays, and I need to add the value of the first one depending on the ID value of the second one as Key so I can order the 2nd array DESC: $views: And I have the folowing array object: $most_seen_list : with the next foreach Im going through it and I want to change the

Sort foreach results by html form input order

I have an html form that posts the content of an <input> field. This field accepts one or more values. If more than one value, then the user just separates with a blank space. Question: How can I sort the results by the exact order of the user input? E.g. User inputs the following by this specific order: bravo alpha
