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Tag: wordpress

Second loop on WordPress page not working

Disclaimer: I am trying to help someone with adding another section to their Wordpress site. I did not write most of this code. I am using a different custom post type for each WP_Query loop. Both loops work fine on their own, but when I try to run them on the same page, the second one doesn’t show any posts.

Importing Custom Taxonomy Through CSV into WooCommerce

I have created two custom taxonomies using the CPT UI plugin named Designers (rug_designers) & Product Lines (product_line). I am working on importing products via a CSV into WooCommerce using the built-in WooCommerce importer tool (not the Product CSV Import Suite). I was able to follow this guide to register the Custom Columns in the import with automatic mapping, however,

Undefined function wptexturize()

I’m really new to wordpress and I had just encountered this error: I also tried checking on and I had traced the callers and functions used by this wptexturize() to no avail. The main issue seems to be that the function is undefined. So I checked on the formatting.php file and there it was, clearly defined. My guess is
