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Tag: wordpress

PHP – Uploading multiple files

I’m working on a plugin for wordpress and I want to be able to upload multiple pictures from a form. Right now when I have a form for two pictures and submit it empty, my $_FILES array looks like this: Now the problem is that I want to use wordpress’ upload handler, wp_handle_upload. It expects the $_FILES array as an

How do I add static pages to WordPress?

How do I add my own static HTML pages to WordPress? For example, let’s say I have a page, products.html, how would I add it to WordPress (any menu, etc.) and once added, how do I visit them, because WordPress had a typical URL structure? Answer The static page functionality of WordPress is called, cleverly, “Pages.” You can read all

Create a folder if it doesn’t already exist

I’ve run into a few cases with WordPress installs with Bluehost where I’ve encountered errors with my WordPress theme because the uploads folder wp-content/uploads was not present. Apparently the Bluehost cPanel WordPress installer does not create this folder, though HostGator does. So I need to add code to my theme that checks for the folder and creates it otherwise. Answer

Which additional securities do you add to your open source cms installations? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question I know that being open source does not necessarily makes a program more/less secure than closed source (let’s assume this neutrality,
