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Tag: woocommerce

Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_attributes() on null

Imports several thousand thumbnail images into existing products. For this purpose, I used the attribute that each product “featured-images” has, in which there is a link to the product. The code works fine and sets the thumbnails, but when I log into the admin system I get an error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_attributes() on null. what’s

JS to track WooCommerce Events

We can use the hooks to catch the events in the woocommerce like : Is there any similar thing that can be done in JS? I need to find similar JS events for Cart Viewed, Product Searched …etc I am using these to track add to cart and remove from cart, Answer Was found the bunch of codes in assets/js/frontend

Woocommerce separate title and variation from mini cart

This is html output of mini cart product item, I need to separate title and variation something like this: But I edit mini-cart.php and find this code: And there is wp_kses_post to generate this title, but I don’t know how to add some html to it? Answer Simply clone and override mini-cart.php in your theme then, find this line: Append:
