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Tag: php

AES Encryption in android and decryption in php and vice versa

I am trying to learn AES by testing my code against I previously had an error in Base64.encodeBase64String and also Base64.decodeBase64 // encode/decode Base64. So I manipulated Base64 somehow to resolve the error. Now in my app the text is encrypted and decrypted properly, I think. But when I try to encrypt or decrypt the same text server-side (at

PHP get value from string

I am doing an intern atm and I faced a problem. Basically I have a string which is CN=van der Valk, Marco,OU=UT,OU=NL,OU=EMEA,OU=associates,OU=usersAndGroups,DC=corporate,DC=ingrammicro,DC=com but I only wasn’t what is after the CN which will be van der Valk in this case. I tried it with the trim function but didn’t succeed, can anybody help me? Answer You can use strpos. First

Dynamically create wp pages

I’m using a custom page template that is intended to create a dynamic content using the wpdb class and some external tables within the database. I’m trying to keep the url’s structure as clean as possible, hence im using the ‘post name’ option in the permalinks.. I’ll just give the whole flow so it won’t be confusing. An user is

Laravel class translator does not exist in a configuration file

Is there any way that allows inserting translatable value in configuration file in laravel-5.4 application? I have a custom configuration file at config/fox-reports.php and I’m trying to set a translatable configuration value looks like the following: When I run php artisan config:cache the following error is generated: In Container.php line 729: Answer You can’t use the __() helper in config

How to get affected row count on WordPress query?

This code is to use in WordPress plugin. The following is my code I am using to insert data from CSV file to database: When I do this var_dump($query); it shows int(0), and data is successfully inserted in table. My question is how can I get number of inserted rows? Answer Very old question, I know, and perhaps this answer

where is php-fpm getting its config values on osx

I’m trying to php-fpm on my osx by running: and I get this error: i don’t have that file nor can I create it – even when using sudo: so my next big move is to find where exactly is this log file directory setup in php-fpm configuration (so that i can decide where the log file should go).. there

Why is PHP7 so much faster than Python3 in executing this simple loop?

As an extremely simple benchmark, I executed the below simple code on PHP 7.0.19-1 and Python 3.5.3 (command line) on the same Raspberry Pi 3 model B. Python’s execution time was horrible in comparison to PHP’s (74 seconds vs 1.4 seconds). Can anyone help me understand why the execution takes so much longer on Python? Is there something I’m doing

Using logical or in seeInDatabase

How can I implement a logic ‘or’ operator in Codeception’s seeInDatabase method?. For example: the methods syntax is Which generates this query How can I generate the following query? Answer you can try this- Or You can do this split into some simple steps. First get the records- then test- For better understanding, you can see this.
