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Tag: codeception

Using logical or in seeInDatabase

How can I implement a logic ‘or’ operator in Codeception’s seeInDatabase method?. For example: the methods syntax is Which generates this query How can I generate the following query? Answer you can try this- Or You can do this split into some simple steps. First get the records- then test- For better understanding, you can see this.

How can I run only one test from a suite?

I have this test class below, and I want to run only one test from it, for example the “aboutPage”. Any ideas how? This is how I run only this file: But now I want to run only one test from the file. Answer You simply append a colon and the function name, like this: or a shorter version: (Notice

Printing debug output to console in Codeception

Very thick question, but is there any way to print your own debug messages to the console in Codeception? I mean messages that have nothing to do with assertions, purely for debugging the tests themselves (e.g. like you would var_dump() a variable in any regular PHP website) I have already tried var_dump(), echo and print but to no avail. Using
