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Tag: nginx

How to serve two laravel apps on 1 domain?

I have two laravel apps like this: I’m trying to serve them on linux machine, I can’t seem to get them to work together. I want to have two urls like this: Answer I succeeded serving them using another subdomain, the “/dashboard” idea didn’t work. I hope someone can suggest the correct way to do it, I would

nginx server with dynamic index is not executing php

i tried setting up my php backend and my vue on the same location. Based on the X-Requested-With header the server should decide if the backend would be used or the vue should be delivered. Now the delivery of the vue file is working, but the php is not executed. info: at the position of X-URI the $uri is /index.php,

nginx return 200 but empty reponse

I am currently migrating apache to nginx and I am struggling to get it working. Basically I get a 200 response with no content. My nginx configuration is as below: server { listen [::]:8749 …

php-fpm: File not found in kubernetes

I’m trying to set a k8s deployment with 2 pods (nginx + php-fpm), but I can’t get php-fpm to execute the php scripts. The webpage displays File not found., and in logs : fpm pod : – 13/Nov/2020:16:44:06 +0000 “GET /index.php” 404 nginx pod : 2020/11/13 16:44:06 [error] 20#20: *1 FastCGI sent in stderr: “Primary script unknown” while reading

Remove the .php extension on all pages (NGINX)

Having tried all the solutions on Stack, I was not able to remove the .php extension. I managed to make the URLs accessible: but the user can always change the URL to and I’d like to avoid that. Here is a part of my config : Answer This might be what you’re looking for For .html extensions you
