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Tag: yaml

php-fpm: File not found in kubernetes

I’m trying to set a k8s deployment with 2 pods (nginx + php-fpm), but I can’t get php-fpm to execute the php scripts. The webpage displays File not found., and in logs : fpm pod : – 13/Nov/2020:16:44:06 +0000 “GET /index.php” 404 nginx pod : 2020/11/13 16:44:06 [error] 20#20: *1 FastCGI sent in stderr: “Primary script unknown” while reading

yaml xampp warning: Unable to load dynamic library ‘C:xamppphpextphp_yaml.dll’

I installed the recent versions of xampp for windows and yaml on my PC with windows 8.1 64bit. The versions were xampp-win32-7.0.9-1-VC14-installer.exe I put the line of extension=php_yaml.dll to the end of php.ini file. I copied php_yaml.dll to C:/xampp/php/ext folder. I copied yaml.dll to C:/xampp/apache/bin folder. phpinfo(); command displayed that yaml was enabled. But bad warning still appeared on

print an array as code

I want to convert a big yaml file to PHP array source code. I can read in the yaml code and get back a PHP array, but with var_dump($array) I get pseudo code as output. I would like to print the array as valid php code, so I can copy paste it in my project and ditch the yaml. Answer
