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Tag: magento2

does not extend MagentoFrameworkDataObject

I have exception when I ceate model.Here is that exception: Magento version is 2.4.4 Training4VendorModelTraining4_Vendor2Product Training4VendorModelResourceModelTraining4_Vendor2Product Training4VendorModelResourceModelTraining4_Vendor2ProductCollection in Training4VendorModelTraining4_Vendor2Product,I have already extends MagentoFrameworkModelAbstractModel,I don’t know why that exception occur Answer did you add dependency in di.xml

Magento 2 Message Queue – Type Error with expected string, null given

I struggle for 3 days now to get a simple Message Queue in Magento 2 to work. Here are my XML files: communication.xml: queue_consumer.xml: queue_publisher.xml: queue_topology.xml: So adding messages to the queue works (I see it in the database table “queue_message”), however when I execute php bin/magento queue:consumers:start erp.queue.order I always get the following exception: My consumer test code: I

PHP changes not showing up until Composer Update

I’m working on a cronjob that will delete products by last date updated. I’m seeing very strange Magento 2 behavior – the PHP file changes are not showing up until I update the repository and then run composer update. The store is in Development mode. Running via Docker-compose. During development on other plugins as soon as I do: The file

Payment fails after 3d validation and redirects to checkout page paymentsense_payments module magento 2

I am using Paymentsense_Payments magento extension to integrate card payment method in a client’s website. When I try to make payment it redirects to checkout page, when I checked the paymentsense log I saw this message ” Cancel Action with message “A 3-D Secure authentication error occurred while processing the order” has been triggered “. After submit, redirects to checkout

Nginx Php-fpm 7.3 Can’t read PHP files from a particular folder

We have a Magento 2 website. For some reason our Nginx/PHP-FPM is unable to read files from MAGEROOT/pub/ folder other than index.php. We are getting the following error in Nginx Log “Unable to open primary script: /home/goodprice/public_html/releases/current/pub/get.php (No such file or directory)” and the browser shows No input file specified. Here is the partial Nginx config file. This causes a

Custom ViewModel is not found

Whenever I try to use my own custom ViewModel the module stops working. Error: main.CRITICAL: Class LithContactsViewModelAdditionalInfo does not exist [] [] The file structure is simple: Inside the viewfrontendlayout I created a file contact_index_index.xml Where I defined a new block inside a referenceContainer with a static message – Works fine. But when I add an argument, to pass in

Error Logging Into Magento 2: Open Source admin panel

SO I followed instructions here: to install Magento 2 into a fresh install of xammppv3.3.0 running Php7. Once its time to get into the Admin account, It first said the information was incorrect or locked. I ran the commands all commands came back successful. The I recieve the following: Error processing your request So i look into the log

How to include multiple html file in another phtml file?

I would like to include several file in Magento 2 in one phtml file. The project was in laravel at first and looks like this : So now I need to import all the project in a Magento 2 project but the semantic is different. I have tried this so far but doesnt work : The files I’m
