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Tag: imagick

WordPress – Blur Image on Upload

So I’m following the example given here (which I modified to only blur, no watermark), to make a blurred image in WordPress on upload. The problem is, that if the uploaded file is the exact same size, or smaller, than the set size, then WordPress will not generate an image, and hence no blurred one will be made. I tried

How to install ImageMagick to use with PHP on Windows 7 (3)

There are other threads about how to install Imagick on Windows 7 but no help for me so far. (Maybe problems have came up with more recent versions) I have followed these steps to install: Download and install ImageMagick Download php_imagick.dll and copy to extension dir (c:xamppphpext) Edit php.ini file and add new extension (c:xamppphpphp.ini) extension=php_imagick.dll Save ini

Trying to get imagick running on PHP 5.4.3 at Windows x64

I have Windows 7 64 bits, PHP 5.4.3 installed through WAMP 2.2 and imagick (ImageMagick-6.8.3-9-Q16-x64-dll.exe). I tried to use the php’s dll of imagick from a lot of sources but all of them give this error in apache_error.log: Any thoughts on how to solve this? Answer perhaps this can help you: step-by-step instructions for installing IMAGEMAGICK on WAMP? and

PHP Imagick memory leak

I have to render something with Imagick on PHP CLI. I have noticed that every 3-5 days the server memory gets full, so i can’t even connet via ssh or ftp. with memory_get_usage() i narrwoed the memory leak down to the imagick part of the script. the script looks something like this: I destroy the image reference, and unset the

Creating two pdf pages with Imagick

Currently i can create PDF files from images in Imagick with this function And it’s possible to fetch multiple pages with imagick like this But is it possible to save two image objects to two pages? (example of what i am thinking, its not possible like this) Answer I know this is long past due, but this result came up
