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Tag: windows-7

How to install ImageMagick to use with PHP on Windows 7 (3)

There are other threads about how to install Imagick on Windows 7 but no help for me so far. (Maybe problems have came up with more recent versions) I have followed these steps to install: Download and install ImageMagick Download php_imagick.dll and copy to extension dir (c:xamppphpext) Edit php.ini file and add new extension (c:xamppphpphp.ini) extension=php_imagick.dll Save ini

How do I run a PHP script using windows schedule task?

I have installed localhost/server in my machine and I need to run a php script using windows schedule task. how do I add path in “Actions” tab in schedule task / cofigure the script to run for particular period? Answer Locate the php.exe executable on your system and pass it the name of the script file using the -f parameter.

Can’t save php.ini

I have PHP for FastCGI installed on Windows 7 through the Web Platform Installer. I need to edit php.ini to enable logging, but I’m not able to overwrite the existing file, apparently because …
