This is an odd situation and I think the answer is ‘you can’t do that, what are you thinking?’ but hope someone can prove me wrong. My goal is to store a globally scoped function in a variable then …
Tag: function
Why is this addition function sometimes not working in PHP?
I’m currently writing a class to manage time in a specific format. The output is always in this format: 0000:00:0:00:00 which stands for YYYY:WW:D:HH:MM. I have a function to add time and it seemed to …
PHP optional parameter
I’m kinda confused about optional parameters, or setting a parameter within the function in general. So I found this example:
Add, change, and remove GET parameters from query string
Let’s say the current query string is the following I need a function which can add and remove several parameters from the query string. For example: should give So, not only should the function be able to add new parameters (eyes=2&fingers=10), but it should also change the ones which are already present (car=black => car=purple). All these new and changed
WordPress pagination not working for get_posts() function?
I have make one Template and assign a template to testimonial page. All the below code is placed inside my template file. My problem is that Nextand Prev links are not even displaying on Testimonial page. I want to use only get_posts query to retrieve data. How can I display pagination for get_posts? Answer Please don’t use get_posts if you
Check if WooCommerce product (simple or variations) are in stock and display label as shortcode
I would like to have a shortcode that I can add to a WooCommerce product page. The shortcode would simply check the product stock and say “In stock” if it has any. And then “Out of stock” if the product (or any of the variations) don’t have inventory. This shortcode should work for both Simple products and Variable products. With
What is the scope of a PHP function defined within a PHP anonymous function?
Question If I do this: 1) Is it legal PHP? And … 2) Is the function lengthTest() in the global namespace, or limited to just the $checkName Closure object? Would it be a private member, then? 3) Can lengthTest() be refereced as a callback method for filter_var_array() like this? 4) Can lengthTest be referenced as a callback function for filter_var_array()
Where to put arrays with constant value that will be accessed many times?
I have some arrays storing the possible parameters for some 3D printer commands. I use this to check if the command is legal. I am confused about where I should put these arrays. These arrays will only be accessed in the formatcheck function, and the function will be called many times as there are thousands of commands to check. Should
How can I remove the product/inventory count from the shop page on Woocommerce?
Do anyone know how I can remove the number of current available stock that is shown on my Woocommerce product page next the the title of the product? I guess this has changed since the recent Woocommerce update because adding the code snippet no longer works. Does anyone have a solution to this? All suggestions are very much appreciated and
How to use a Function of Switch/Case, if at all?
I have various products inside a database, each has its own price, the pattern to output a product price is: $product[i][“price”] I also have various “product types”, which are manually defined in my code, each with index number that will relate to each product accordingly: I want to echo a message according to the price, and to the type, for