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Tag: query-string

Add extra query string to src attribute’s value of an iframe element that has been generated or outputted by wp_oembed_get() function

I want to add an extra query string to the src attribute’s value of the iframe element. I want to achieve this by using PHP or WordPress and not by JavaScript. The thing is that I want to use Youtube iFrame API, which is only possible if the iframe has a query string in which enablejspai=1 src=”″ Currently, the user

Add, change, and remove GET parameters from query string

Let’s say the current query string is the following I need a function which can add and remove several parameters from the query string. For example: should give So, not only should the function be able to add new parameters (eyes=2&fingers=10), but it should also change the ones which are already present (car=black => car=purple). All these new and changed

Understanding ‘parse_str’ in PHP

I’m a PHP newbie trying to find a way to use parse_str to parse a number of URLs from a database (note: not from the request, they are already stored in a database, don’t ask… so _GET won’t work) So I’m trying this: Please note that here I am just supplying an example URL, in the real application the URL
