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Tag: docker

Unable to add PPA ondrejPHP in Dockerfile

I want to extend the httpd Image with PHP and some PHP Modules. My Dockerfile for this looks like this. The error I’m getting when building the Image is following What am I´m doing wrong? Edit: Thanks to @RJK On step 5/6 your are running add-apt-repository -y ppa:ondrejphp, it should be add-apt-repository -y ppa:ondrej/php (forward slash) Now the script can

Xdebug silently catches connections with no reason

The application runs on docker containers: nginx and php-fpm. Xdebug is configured with PhpStorm. The app was working correctly until suddenly Xdebug started to catch all connections even when I didn’t enable debugging. I didn’t even change anything in configuration – it just started to do this (a bit magic but of course there should be something). Why it’s Xdebug:

Unable to start docker-compose

I’m trying to configure sendy to run on docker-compose. I’m getting this error when running docker-compose up error docker-compose.yml Answer In the directory where that docker-compose file exists, is there a Dockerfile specifically called “Dockerfile”? Under your sendy service, you have the context as the current directory, but no Dockerfile specified. By default, it will look for a file called

Warning: file_get_contents(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name does not resolve

I am running a php:7-fpm-alpine Docker container and have a Symfony command that calls the following function (simplified a bit for display here): … and when I run the command from within my Docker container, I get this error message: Warning: file_get_contents(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name does not resolve … but when I run a short test.php script … …

Apache ignore headers and status codes from Lumen

I have app based on Docker and microservices. Angular, MySQL, Lumen + Apache. Unfortunately on Docker my API doesn’t send any header or status code. Any response is 200. I tried change HTTP server to NGINX but for nothing. I have no idea how can i fix this issue. Apache config Dockerfile docker-compose.yml .htaccess Answer Okey I found answer for

Error generated by named arguments and argument unpacking in function call not throwing ErrorException in PHP-8

The following code works as expected: throws the ErrorException and calls the shutdown function for the fatal-error generated by require Output: require(unavailable_file): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory anyway, hello world But fatal error generated by named arguments fails to call the exception-handler and the shutdown function Output: Fatal error: Cannot combine named arguments and argument unpacking
