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Tag: docker

how to setup a single nginx server with multiple php-fpm docker containers

Nginx is running on my server (not a docker image) to proxy the subdomain requests to my docker containers. Having an additional nginx container for each image works well as follows: docker-compose.yml site.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/ But seems wasteful to have an additional instance of nginx for each php site. How can I route the server instance of nginx directly to each

Docker and Laravel 8 migrate issue

I’ve followed this tutorial docker tutorial and it is an awesome tutorial by the way. Installed an 8 Laravel version and when I tried to run PHP artisan migrate, this problem came out: And I guess this is linked to Laravel 8 when running into a Docker environment. Let’s see the docker-compose.yaml The Dockerfile The docker containers are up and

WordPress on Docker behind nginx reverse proxy using SSL

Here is my problem, I need to install a wordpress application on a subdirectory url (“”). Since my whole environment is running on Docker, I decided to do the same with the wordpress app. To start it as simple as possible, I added the wordpress image to my docker-compose.yml, and made a subdomain (“” which was not using https) fall

Laravel Horizon not executing pending jobs – Kubernetes and Docker environment

We have two different pods in Kubernetes for our Laravel app, one running apache serving on port 80, (CMD /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -D FOREGROUND) and another running worker (Laravel Horizon) (CMD php /var/www/artisan horizon) The issue is when I check the horizon dashboard, it says ‘Active’, and I can see the Jobs in the ‘Pending Jobs’ section, but they never actually execute.
