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WordPress dequeue scripts only on single page

My website is using map functionalities that slow the whole site down dramatically. I can dequeue them from the entire site with this add_action function: My goal now is to dequeue these scripts on all but one page “/add-listing” where I need them so that users can still input their location. Any tips on how to do that? Answer So,

Check availability of appointment slot

I am creating an area for a user where he can make an appointment. The available appointments are inside a table called: bigo_appuntamento This table has these 5 fields bigo_appto_id –> ID …

Modify data extracted from rss file with simplexml

I am extracting data from an rss file using simplexml. The urls in are wrong and I am trying to change them. To be able to use the data, I need to strip everything before the word “base” in those urls. I can do it with the following: but its looks messy and I’m pretty sure there is a way

Container cannot see the prebuilt vendor folder in it

My project is throwing the next error after restarting the docker container: Warning: require(/var/www/ /var/www/ /vendor/composer/./symfony/polyfill-php80/bootstrap.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in ‘vendor/composer/autoload_real.php line 71 My Dockerfile: My docker-compose: Inside container run ls vendor/symfony before restarting the container: And after: The error is solving if remove the vendor directory and run composer install. I’m not a

PHP architecture – Individual cron job per user

I’m building a website in PHP and need an API to be checked on a regular basis for EACH USER individually. In a nutshell it’s a SaaS to steer a user account on another website with additional/automated options. A web based bot if you want. So basically, I need to dynamically create a new cron job with its individual interval

Mail Not Sending via Mailgun API Laravel 8

I am trying to send mail via the mailgun API from my controller but the mail is not reaching mailgun and I am not getting any error messages/logs. This is in my .env: This is in my services.php: This is in my mail.php: This is how I am sending the mail in my controller: This is working when I send
