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Get Cell Format from Google Sheet API

I’d like to retrieve the format/type of the cell that set in google sheet, for example Plain text, Number, Date, Time and etc from the Google Sheet API. Google Sheet format screenshot here. Google Sheet Sample I’m using the API from this Srijan’s reference, it only able to pull out the values of the cells, but I need the format

Blade Recursive, increase the depth for padding

I want to increase the depth int each time children are in a item so I can pad out the a tag. Below is my code and I assumed this would work, however the number stays at 1 even though I have got children within my one of the items within $items. sidebar.blade.php sidebar.items.blade.php SidebarItems.php Data: Result: Answer If I

Adding multiple entries to a table

I am trying to register customers for a continuing education web site I am creating and need to add multiple entries to the phpMyAdmin table “users” for registration purposes. I am trying to add multiple entries, 25 total. As you will see, I have tried the mysqli_multi_query() function to add them all but I cannot create a new record of

How to Code PHP for Twilio to forward SMS to Email

Coding newby here. I am trying to write some PHP code to enable SMS forwarding to email with a Twilio phone number. Unfortunately, I haven’t had any success in doing so. I saw some tutorials using SendGrid, but I would rather use my own PHP code on my web server. Can anyone point me to a good source or if

How to convert a Datetime string to standard mysql

I made a function in php to convert date and time coming from a txt to the mysql standard. But she is turning the month wrong. I have tried all these conversions but to no avail. I would like your …

XPath find attributes with empty value

I load html using DOMDocument and then apply DOMXPath filters on it. Does any of these objects have a way to distinguish attribute with empty string value and attribute without a value? <input …
