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Tag: twilio

Issues creating a PHP webhook for Twilio

So I have the following CURL command in PHP, if I send it I can extract all the required data in JSON format. Instead of using, I would like to create my own PHP webhook client. The code below is the CURL command that works 100% when using I then tried to use PHP to create a

Transforming Twilio library request into Guzzle request

unfortunately our project runs on PHP 7.0 and we cannot upgrade it for now. And Twilio’s library uses PHP 7.2+ on the version that contains the trusthub API support. So I’m trying to do the request “Create EndUser of type: customer_profile_business_information” from this doc page using Guzzle instead of their library, and I’m following instructions from the curl example. Everything

Twilio Conversation Fatal error when trying to send message?

I am trying to do a group conversation following the twilio samples online. I have the conversation and the people are connected (I think) but when I go send a message I get the following error: Does anyone have any working samples of a working conversation in PHP? If you want I can post my full code (minus the keys

How to upload files to S3 bucket from url directly

I am getting some MMS messages from my users. Those MMS are coming via twilio. So twilio storing those files into their server and I can visit those files from twilio. But in my case, I need to store those files into S3 and show into our system from S3. I can store those files into my local folder or

How to Code PHP for Twilio to forward SMS to Email

Coding newby here. I am trying to write some PHP code to enable SMS forwarding to email with a Twilio phone number. Unfortunately, I haven’t had any success in doing so. I saw some tutorials using SendGrid, but I would rather use my own PHP code on my web server. Can anyone point me to a good source or if
