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Symfony 5 – ManyToOne __isInitialized__: false

I try to get value from object but objects return __isInitialized__: false and null values what did I miss? twig situ dump : situ entity : event entity : category entity : Answer You just got to know the doctrine lazy loading feature. It fetches the data until you fired the getter method the first time. You could know this

Individual s3 bucket for each user in laravel [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 7 months ago. Improve this question I have a Laravel application, I want to have a secure storage system for my registered users. How should I plan

Laravel take from collection with offset

I got this collection I know I can use the method take() to bring the X first elements of the collection But I was wondering, if is there a way to add an offset to the take() method or do something that produce a result like this any clue? Answer use skip method

My SQL request work in SQL but not in PHP

I’m trying to make an unique request to insert multiple element in my database to not make multiple request. Here is my “generated” request, which work in SQL (tested in PHPMYADMIN). Generated by this code. But I get this error in PHP Do you know why this request does not work when I try to use it with PHP ?

PHP Group Array By result of function on value

I have an array that’s basically a simple collection of objects. So [obj1,obj2,obj3] All instances of the same class. I then want to perform a map or filter to group these by a value in those objects. And what I want is a result like this, where all the objects are sorted by their user ids: Looking for a way
