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Tag: wordpress

Transition of Woocommerce Percentage Review Chart to Numeric

On my website’s homepage, I use a chart that counts all Woocommerce reviews. These reviews are shown as a percentage for each rating (1 star, 2 star etc …). I need to change functionality to the total number of ratings for each rating section instead of the percentage and display stars instead of labels. Any advice? Now: Goal: Code of

Bulk move 20000 post_meta value to wp_content with mysql command

I have more than 1 million Wordpress article, I want to achieve the following effect through mysql: copy the post_meta key value named views to wp_content field. I know how to insert value from table wp_posts to table wp_postmeta, but how to move value from wp_postmeta to wp_posts? I used code like this: but get error messge: ERROR 1054 (42S22):

How to enable output_buffering on wordpress official image

I’m taking my first steps with Docker, specifically with wordpress official image, which is just amazing to use. However, after installing (via docker-compose as below) and checking phpinfo() it appears that output_buffering = 0. I spent the weekend trying to find the best way to expose, or bind to php.ini to set it to on without success. Could I ask

wp_after_insert_post not triggering

I am trying to send an email after a new post has been created. It needs to be sent after the creation of the post, because I want to include the post category in the email. wp_after_insert_post does not seem to work, as no email is sent. I have tried using the same code with the publish_post hook instead, which
