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Tag: woocommerce

Woocommerce: function to update all products

I have an issue with my Woocommerce products. This issue is fixed if I just update the product (edit the product and click in the Update button) with no changes at all. I have around 2000 products in my site, then I am thinking of doing this using a function in my function.php file. It should be something like this,

Change admin dashboard WooCommerce widget title

I want to change the WooCommerce dashboard widget title from ‘WooCommerce Status’ to something else. I understand that I need to use a hook in my functions.php but I’m struggling to make this work. I’ve found the function and the file in WooCommerce that is generating the dashboard widget ( plugins/woocommerce/includes/admin/class-wc-admin-dashboard.php ) – and I’ve attempted to use add_action to

Always display shipping address in WooCommerce email notifications

WooCommerce used to show shipping address no matter which shipping method was selected during checkout, if you had to hide the shipping address from emails you had to do a custom job like in “” answer thread. After new updates, WooCommerce hides the shipping address from the order emails if local pickup is selected during checkout. I want to show
