I use Api Platform & Symfony (5.4) + php 7.2.5 I created an Entity by myself, I just added one file in /src/Entity and it’s not working. I refresh, I cleared cache, I adde @ApiResource… But the Entity is not visible in the doc page in API Platform. Have you an idea where the error is ? Thanks ! Here
Tag: symfony
An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column ‘pokemon_id’ cannot be null
I’m a bit clueless. I would like to import data to my DB. This is a example entity: all fields nesassary fields were filled, but doctrine tells me: Here is the snipped of my entity. Where did i miss the point? P.S.: Maybe I should also tell that this property never can be null. And I have a relation to
Symfony, Docker container fpm, apache : could not find driver [doctrine:database:create]
I’m trying to create symfony 5.4 project using docker with a container for apache, php fpm, symfony, mysql db. but actualy i don’t succed to create my database, i get this error: this doctrine conf : config/packages/doctrine.yaml: this is extensions activated : this my Docker-compose-stack-file: and My file .env: Answer Are you sure you are running php -m on the
Own Symfony serializer gets added as encoder to default one
I’m using Symfony 6.0.7 and noticed this Behavior: When I register a custom serializer as service, it gets added as encoder to the default “@serializer” one. Why is this the case and how can I change this behavior? My problem is, that this messes up the error handling of the FOSRestBundle which now always outputs the stacktrace of an exception
add additional header to symfony mailer message
I don’t use the Symfony Framework. When I add my header like then a $mailer->send($mail); doesn’t work anymore:-( How do I send mail? Answer getHeaders functions return an header, so in your $mail, you dont have an email but a Header
VichUploaderBundle in Symfony 6
I hope you can help me because i’m searching and i’m lost 🙁 I’m trying to upload image in my symfony 6 project with VichUploaderBundle. I used the doc : https://github.com/dustin10/VichUploaderBundle/blob/master/docs/usage.md#step-1-configure-an-upload-mapping But i have this error : The class “AppEntityClient” is not uploadable. If you use annotations to configure VichUploaderBundle, you probably just forgot to add @VichUploadable on top of
How to test form submission with wrong values using Symfony crawler component and PHPUnit?
When you’re using the app through the browser, you send a bad value, the system checks for errors in the form, and if something goes wrong (it does in this case), it redirects with a default error message written below the incriminated field. This is the behaviour I am trying to assert with my test case, but I came accross
How to set up live reloading with webpack-encore in a Symfony project?
I have created a Symfony full web app with the given command symfony new app –webapp. It came with Webpack configured with webpack-encore. I can have my assets compiled with npm run watch. But the browser don’t reload automatically when my I make changes. I have tried webpack-dev-server following Symfony’s official documentation here, but didn’t work. webpack.config.js (I just removed
Message not dispatched async despite configuring the handler route to be async in Symfony Messenger
I’m working with Symfony 4.4 and Symfony Messenger Messenger configuration includes a transport and routing: Though the handler looks like configured correctly (when I run console debug:messenger it shows up correctly assigned to transport) The message class SnowplowMessage is not queued, but sent instantly to the _invoke() method of the handler. I’m using AMQP (RabbitMQ as transport) and it’s configured
Symfony – ChoiceType with multiple and resetViewTransformers returns invalid_message
We have upgraded our project to Symfony 4.4.35 2 months ago and now I noticed a strange behavior. When I use ChoiceType with the following configuration, the form returns error (This value is not valid): The POST: Can someone tell me what has changed? I have tried to inspect ChoiceType.php, and find out the problem is here: The question is: