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Tag: vichuploaderbundle

VichUploaderBundle in Symfony 6

I hope you can help me because i’m searching and i’m lost 🙁 I’m trying to upload image in my symfony 6 project with VichUploaderBundle. I used the doc : But i have this error : The class “AppEntityClient” is not uploadable. If you use annotations to configure VichUploaderBundle, you probably just forgot to add @VichUploadable on top of

How to use Vich uploader with easyAdmin 3 on Symfony 5

I’ve been trying to use VichUploader to upload files on a Symfony project, already using EasyAdmin 3. I’ve configured everything correctly, but I’m getting this error: The “pieceJointeFile” image field must define the directory where the images are uploaded using the setUploadDir() method. vich uploader configuration and finally My crud controller Finally, I want to clarify that when using TextField it
