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Tag: easyadmin

How to use Vich uploader with easyAdmin 3 on Symfony 5

I’ve been trying to use VichUploader to upload files on a Symfony project, already using EasyAdmin 3. I’ve configured everything correctly, but I’m getting this error: The “pieceJointeFile” image field must define the directory where the images are uploaded using the setUploadDir() method. vich uploader configuration and finally My crud controller Finally, I want to clarify that when using TextField it

Using validation groups on EasyAdmin 3.x

I want to use validation groups with EasyAdmin 3.x when creating a new User to validate every field. I have a User entity with name, phone, and email fields and use @UniqueEntity in a “creation” group, so I can update the User in a form I created outside from EasyAdmin. That works just fine, but I can’t manage to find

easyadmin 3 – Sorting by linked entity’s property instead of id

I have one entity Hike which have relation with another named Department In easyAdmin3 rendering is fine like But when I sorting by department I see that easyAdmin3 sort by department’s id, and I would like sorting by department_nom I saw many solutions but they all using easyAdmin2 and easy_admin.yaml which no longer exists now. There is a way to

Symfony EasyAdminBundle 3 override the createIndexQueryBuilder()

It said on the EasyAdminBundle doc For example, the index() action calls to a method named createIndexQueryBuilder() to create the Doctrine query builder used to get the results displayed on the index listing. If you want to customize that listing, it’s better to override the createIndexQueryBuilder() method instead of the entire index() method. So let’s imagine I have in my
