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Tag: symfony

How to display associated objects with links to their details page in Symfony 5 EasyAdmin 3?

I have two entities, Offer and Candidate, with a OneToMany relationship between them. The relevant code parts are the followings: In Offer.php: In Candidate.php: In OfferCrudController.php: In CandidateCrudController.php: My problem is that while in the case of Candidates EasyAdmin displays the Offer linked to its details page for each Candidate, for the Offers it displays only the non-clickable string representations

Symfony 5.4.9 Composer detected issues in your platform:

I am totally new to Symfony. After I installed Symfony on my local ddev machine, I get this error I tried to composer install –ignore-platform-reqs as well, and soon as I run it, I get this error message My php version is Compose.json Thanks for help Answer Edit these 2 things in your composer.json to solve your problem : And

In Symfony/Panther when scraping, waitfor function will throw exception if it timesout – i need it to continue if item is not found

I have a database of clinics, and an url to each clinic. All clinic pages are the same in terms of html/css, with different content to scrape. However, some clinics have no content on their page, and this causes trouble for me. I have: If .facility is not present, the waitFor() will throw exception because of timeout. I need to

Symfony6 changing the controller manually using the “kernel.controller” event. How to inject the service container?

The application that I am building is not going to work in a traditional way. All the routes ar going to be stored in the database. And based on the route provided I need to get the correct controller and action to be executed. As I understand this can be achieved using the “kernel.controller” event listener: I am trying

Symfony, constraint for User

Good day! Just started learning Symfony on my own. I’m making a news portal. The administrator can download news from an Excel file. I am converting a file to an associative array. For example: Next, I want to send this array to the form and use ‘constraints’ to validate it. There are no problems with the fields ‘Title’, ‘Text’, ‘Image’.

delete or clear session in symfony 4.4

I am saving the current user s data in a session, I am using Symfony 4.4 I am getting and setting the data to the session variable this way is there any way to clear and delete the session after logging out I tried and deleting the session one by using remove and nothing happened Answer i randomly came across

Error with Symfony The option “constraints” does not exist

Symfony question, I’m just starting to learn it. The user uploads a file with data that I want to submit to the form for validation in the form of an array (key-value). I call the method to build the form, pass an array there and try to check, for example, that the length of the title (‘title’) is no more
