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Tag: redis

Session Problem on Redis with Docker + Nginx + Yii2

The question is, i am having a problem with session using Docker with Nginx + Yii2 + Redis. I want use same login on banckend and frontend in Yii2 advanced template. I just configured all its ok, its work when i do not use Redis, but when i use Redis, dont work. My configuration is: Yii2 advanced 2.0.43 Nginx 1.17.8

Handle Method not being called in Laravel Redis Queue

When adding an item to the queue, for some reason the handle method is not being called. The Log entry in __construct is appearing but when attempting to log in handle(), nothing appears. The method i’m using to dispatch is ProcessImport::dispatch($path, $task->task_id); My queue service is configured to use Redis, and redis is storing all the data accordingly. I am

Laravel Redis Jobs are not Being Queued

I am using Laravel with Phpredis and I’ve created a webhook that adds a job to the queue. I’ve followed the docs for the interrogation but my jobs are not being queued. .env QUEUE_CONNECTION=redis config/database.php ‘client’ => env(‘REDIS_CLIENT’, ‘phpredis’), config/queue.php I am using Windows with Xampp and redis-server.exe is running. This is what I am getting when the job is

Dockerfile | Alpine | Nginx | php7 | MongoDB | Redis

I am looking for a Dockerfile which has Nginx, Php7, MongoDB & Redis enabled on Alpine. Managed to get below but while executing it I see below errors. Please suggest. Dockerfile:- Error:- /bin/sh: docker-php-source: not found /bin/bash: pecl: command not found Referred:- After commenting from line 2 to line 10, I managed to get Nginx running but In logs

Laravel 5.7 – Queues Jobs are too slow

I use Laravel 5.7 and 3 queues jobs, the time between jobs is too long/slow. I foreach items of RSS feeds in the first job, and I dispatch this item in second job, etc… I don’t enter in details but there are some ridiculous little calculations that must not take time. The problem is that every dispatch to a job

using SncRedisBundle on

I’m trying to get my app hosted by, my problem is that I use SncRedisBundle, with this config: When I push to, their build process include a call to composer update, which end like this: Generating optimized autoload files > IncenteevParameterHandlerScriptHandler::buildParameters > SensioBundleDistributionBundleComposerScriptHandler::buildBootstrap > SensioBundleDistributionBundleComposerScriptHandler::clearCache Script SensioBundleDistributionBundleComposerScriptHandler::clearCache handling the symfony-scripts event terminated with an exception [RuntimeException] An error

is redis pub/sub realistic in php?

I’d like to use redis pub/sub in PHP, but I’m afraid PHP can’t be the only tool: a subscriber need to be always callable, since php isn’t built for running as a daemon, I can’t trust it to reliably be always “on”. So what is the solution for the PHP world? don’t use pub/sub, use other redis’ storages with a
