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Tag: jobs

Laravel Redis Jobs are not Being Queued

I am using Laravel with Phpredis and I’ve created a webhook that adds a job to the queue. I’ve followed the docs for the interrogation but my jobs are not being queued. .env QUEUE_CONNECTION=redis config/database.php ‘client’ => env(‘REDIS_CLIENT’, ‘phpredis’), config/queue.php I am using Windows with Xampp and redis-server.exe is running. This is what I am getting when the job is

Laravel queued jobs are not retrying when they fail

The problem I’m dispatching a job to execute an action that needs a resource ready to be correctly executed, so if it fails it needs to be retried after some time. But what really happens is that if it fails, it’s not executed ever again. I’m using Supervisor to manage the queue and the database driver and I have changed

Laravel Jobs Serialization of ‘Closure’ is not allowed

I would like to send Data to a NewsletterStore Job. But it’s failing with the following error. Any suggestions? I also tried to remove the SerializesModels Models trait. Without any success. Error Controller Job Answer Request is not serializable there is a workaround what you are trying to achieve Your job handler. Hope this helps
