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Tag: php

How to load a nested relationship in Laravel

I have a model called CallbackRequest the model has a relationship with Loan model and that is the only relationship for CallbackRequest model. CallbackModel: Now Loan model itself has a relationship with a third model called Applicant. Loan Model: My point: When I load CallbackRequest I eagerload loan model with it, all fine! But now I am wondering if there

api platform – Unable to generate an IRI for the item

I’m starting with API Platform and I’m using the example entity “Foo”: I succesfully see the new Entity in dashboard (See image): API Platform Dhasboard And I had the following error when I try to get all Foo collection: I tried different formats and check the the routes too: It’s possible what I need some special library in my server?

Class ‘SpatiePdfToTextPdf’ not found [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 9 months ago. Improve this question I tried to keep running SpatiePdfToText. I have the following error: Class ‘SpatiePdfToTextPdf’

Symfony 3.4 Use view inside my bundle

I’ve some trouble for the configuration of a new repository using Symfony 3.4. I’ve used the symfony command for create him with last LTS (3.4) and I add a new Bundle using command too. My new Bundle is up and work well but I can’t use view stored inside this bundle. I show you the structure of my Bundle :

Display images with VueJS and Laravel

I am trying to display images with VueJS, but it either prints {{ activity.image }} or shows a compilation error. These are the attempts: How do I do it? Answer I assume activity.image is coming from the JavaScript, since you’re using the dot notation. You can use v-bind:src=”activity.image”, yes, without the mustache. or if it came from PHP, you should
