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Tag: symfony-3.4

Symfony command doesn’t send all tracking requests

I am using symfony 3.4 (I know, needs to be upgraded, we are working on it). I have written a shell command to run every month as a cron job. I have the following code: In the uploadInventoryReport method, it connects to an FTP server, uploads a file, and when the file is successfully uploaded, it executes this piece of

Symfony 3.4 Use view inside my bundle

I’ve some trouble for the configuration of a new repository using Symfony 3.4. I’ve used the symfony command for create him with last LTS (3.4) and I add a new Bundle using command too. My new Bundle is up and work well but I can’t use view stored inside this bundle. I show you the structure of my Bundle :

Semantical Error: Class MailileoBundleEntityMatch has no field or association named getMailid

I went through all similar issues but nothing appears to solve my problem. I’ve put a simple query in my MatchRepository but it throws a semantic error. I’ve double(triple) checked my entity and everything looks fine. It even works fine when I pull all Matches via findAll() and then run a $match->getMailid() The problem appears only in the MatchRepository file.
