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Tag: php

Windows MAMP – PHP CURL Issue

I’m having issues with Windows MAMP Pro 3.3.1 getting PHP’s CURL to work. More specifically issue is that I can send requests to APIs using curl_exec, but it always returns false. When I tried to do the same thing with XAMPP it returns full response with no issues. I tried changing PHP version, I checked that php curl extensions is

Annotations in Symfony 4

I try to develop with Symfony 4 so I follow the tutorial on I’ve got an error when I try to access at : This is the error : [Syntax Error] Expected PlainValue, got ”’ at position 7 in method AppControllerHomeController::home() in /Users//Documents/ProjetSymfo4/my-project/config/routes/../../src/Controller/ (which is being imported from “/Users//Documents/ProjetSymfo4/my-project/config/routes/annotations.yaml”). Make sure annotations are installed and enabled. I already ran
