How can we count space between text in PHP? Is there a way to count spaces? Language: Only PHP Answer Use this:
Tag: php
How can I determine mySQL prepared statement result column names in PHP?
That is, with a prepared statement like: I believe I can use $mysqli->field_count to get the number of columns being returned (haven’t tried). But is there a way to link each column name to the values returned in bind_results? I could always try to parse the column names out from the command itself, but that’s not a road I want
MySQL: Updating all rows setting a field to 0, but setting one row’s field to 1
Is there an efficient way to update a selection of rows’ field to 0, but set One of these rows to 1 based on an ID. Basically, I have multiple objects in a database, and I want to toggle between …
Read pdf files with php
I have a large PDF file that is a floor map for a building. It has layers for all the office furniture including text boxes of seat location. My goal is to read this file with PHP, search the document for text layers, get their contents and coordinates in the file. This way I can map out seat locations ->
Automatically re-direct a user when session Times out or goes idle
I want to have a timer going to run every 3 minutes on the page (javascript), to detect if a php session ($_SESSION) has timed out… and if so, redirect them automatically. A good example would be, a user logs in and runs up stairs, and never comes back down… I want the javascript to log them out with a
Detecting whether a user is behind a proxy
I’m trying to figure out how I could detect whether people logging into my site are behind a proxy or not. I’ve read that you can detect a person’s real IP address through embeddable objects (Flash and Java). However, I haven’t been able to actually find any examples or source for this. I’m using PHP and I’ve read that looking
SimpleXML: Selecting Elements Which Have A Certain Attribute Value
In an XML document, I have elements which share the same name, but the value of an attribute defines what type of data it is, and I want to select all of those elements which have a certain value from …
Performance considerations of JSON vs. XML
I am using a webservice which provides a large result set either in XML or JSON format. Which format will be faster or better (perfomance based)? Also which language should I use to parse the XML/JSON?…
Why is the usage of $this in PHP necessary when referencing methods or variables in the same class?
I was explaining to a Java developer why his method call wasn’t working. He just needed to add $this->method_name(); He then asked me, “Why do I need to add $this to the method when it’s declared in the same class?” I didn’t really know how to answer. Maybe it’s because PHP has a global namespace and it you need to
is it possible to make “beep” sound in php like in gmail
for an IM script i am making, i would like the computer to beep like in gmail everytime there is a new message. is there a script in php or html to make the computer beep? Thanks! Answer All you need to do is load a small flash movie that makes the sound, you can easily toggle it in your