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Tag: netbeans

Cannot step xdebug with NetBeans since php 8

Since upgrading from php 7 to php 8, I can no longer Step Into/Step Over/Continue with NetBeans IDE 11.0 and xdebug 3.0.4. xdebug (via NetBeans) is configured to “Stop at First Line” – and this works. That is, the (local host) web page is suspended, and the NetBeans Step Into/Step Over/Continue buttons are enabled. But, when I click any of

PHP How to filter ‘in a correct way’ All $_POST variables

Using Netbeans, whenever i try to access a variable in $_POST or $_GET, i’m adviced to use something like: filter_input(INPUT_POST,’id’), for ‘safety’ (i don’t think it’s any safer than using filter_input with the default NON filter, but anyways..). This got me thinking about the answer to this post: How to grab all variables in a post (PHP) There you have:

Netbeans PHPDoc local variable not working

I am trying to document my code more often and now I’m writing a class and want it to be fully documented. However, for some strange reason, local variable documentation (with PHPDoc of course) doesn’t work.. I got this: So when I type ‘the’ and press space, and go to my function in Netbeans, it shows the function documentation. But,

NetBeans auto-completion from included file not working?

I have a file named config.php, and i have other files includes config.php. When editing one of files, I use an object from config.php and it autocompletes name of the object. But, when i try to see functions or variables of this object (with ->), there is no auto-completion. Is there any way to make it work? Note: I already
