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Tag: filter

How to filter expanded datasets in json URL?

I am trying to filter results in my json URL’s expanded dataset. I can filter the regular data just fine but I am having issues reaching the expanded data which is being returned as a nested array (I believe). For example I use this url to filter and only display the city Austin: I am able to expand this dataset

How to return the children of an array under the parent?

There is an array, inside each element of the array there is a groupId, some elements of the array have children. How to get this kind of output: Parent category in array: Children category in array: I was able to only return parent categories, how to link child categories, in turn I could not figure out how Answer I’ve been

How do I filter clothing on sizes with PHP and AJAX?

I am trying to make a e-commerce filter system with PHP and AJAX. I have watched some guy on YouTube and it worked, but my e-commerce website is in the clothing industry and his was with electronics… So he did not explain how to filter sizes which is stored with quantity (for example: S:2, M:3, L:4) with the filter systems.

firebase php sdk not supported multi filter data

I am stuck to multi filter data in firebase with php sdk Here I used two times orderByChild so it throws the error KreaitFirebaseExceptionDatabaseUnsupportedQuery: This query is already ordered. in C:wamp64wwwfirebase-diemvendorkreaitfirebase-phpsrcFirebaseDatabaseQuery.php on line <i>288</i></th> Could you any suggest me that firebase php sdk support multi filter ? If yes how can I solve above error ? Answer This is not
