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Tag: firebase

Get empty result api firebase [FCM]

I’ve saved some of my mobile registration_codes that are connected with my development environment of Firebase. Once I send a manual notification by the api I receive empty feedback from Firebase himself. After debugging I found that the notification has not been send. What’s wrong with my call, because the call I make is the same in the examples and

React + Firebase + custom PHP API?

I’ve created a custom PHP API that at the moment is only hosted on my local machine as there is no authentication required to access it. My front end is built in react with firebase as the user authentication system. My question is, once a user has successfully logged in, how do I then enable my application to access my

“error”:”InvalidRegistration” while sending notification from PHP

Trying the mentioned code with registeration_ids and to parameter and both are not working. Help me to solve the same. Every time it is giving this error of multi cast id and InvalidRegistration. Getting this error: {“multicast_id”:8367359766XXXXXXXXX,”success”:0,”failure”:1,”canonical_ids”:0,”results”:[{“error”:”InvalidRegistration”}]} Answer Invalid Registrations usually have one of the following reasons: The registration token/device token is invalid The client app has actively unregistered with

php/codeigniter firestore update giving error InvalidArgumentException Input missing required one or more required keys

I am trying to connect admin panel on php-codeigniter with firestore/firebase . Insertion,Fetch and Set functions are working fine but when I try to update ( update a single key ) it gives InvalidArgumentException . I am following the official documentation here . I am new to firestore. Suggestions are appreciated. Here’s my code Error Output Answer According to my

firebase php sdk not supported multi filter data

I am stuck to multi filter data in firebase with php sdk Here I used two times orderByChild so it throws the error KreaitFirebaseExceptionDatabaseUnsupportedQuery: This query is already ordered. in C:wamp64wwwfirebase-diemvendorkreaitfirebase-phpsrcFirebaseDatabaseQuery.php on line <i>288</i></th> Could you any suggest me that firebase php sdk support multi filter ? If yes how can I solve above error ? Answer This is not
