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Tag: linux

How to Turn off Caching of PHP Pages on Server and Browser?

I’m not sure where the caching of php pages is coming from. So far I’ve disabled caching in; Chrome’s Developer Tools> Network > Disable cache; Debian’s optphp73etcphp73.ini with; I’ve added to the end of my server entry; I’ve got this header at the top of the php script; But I still can’t figure out Where the caching is coming from.

test windows rdp credentials use and password

I want to make an checker to check RDP IP with user and password I’ve tried to install guacamole server I install it on ubuntu and it works good and connects well but I can’t make any check using php or any coding language with it because its system is so complicated so if any one have any idea about

PHP 7.2 fails to start when pm.max_children > 506

on Debian 10 when I set pm.max_children = 507 or more and try to start php7.2-fpm I get following error: When I set pm.max_children = 506 or less all is working fine. My www.pool config: My server config: 10-core CPU 256 GB RAM What can cause that? Is there some hard limit on how much php-fpm children can be started?

How to run PHP files properly on Ubuntu with Nginx?

I have “php” folder and also phpmyadmin folder in /var/www/html direction, and when I’m trying to open localhost/phpmyadmin/index.php or localhost/php/index.php in browser, I get the following error: and also browser suggests me to download file. I installed mysql, php 7.4, nginx and phpmyadmin aswell, have no idea why it isn’t working. I use Lubuntu distribution. I guess it’s obvios, but

apache2 not executing php statements in opensuse linux

i have apache2 running as a local server. I had a wordpress site on localhost running happily. In trying to enable running phpMyAdmin apache2 somehow stopped executing php code, and I’ve been unable to re-enable it. any help most gratefully received Answer This is a configuration issue. There should be a line: And: This will configure all files that start

shell linux don’t execute commande

I have this command and it works fine on shell. I want to run it with php but it does not work what i missed : edited : $arg=”arg1″; $arg2= “arg2”; echo shell_exec(“sshpass -p “.escapeshellarg($…
